Press Reviews
HomeTheaterForum Reviews the SB-3000 Subwoofer
"Maintained composure even when pushed for extended periods. Capable of playing far louder than I was comfortable listening, it’s amazing the amount of air this thing moves given the size. Literally shook rafters in rooms which are not designed for punishing sound playback. Recommended and well worth the asking price!"Read Full Review -
PB-4000 Subwoofer Receives the Audioholics 2018 Product of the Year Award
"It is as much of a beauty as it is a brute, in that it looks and acts sophisticated but that is just a veneer that hides some truly explosive power. It exemplifies the high fidelity that has always been a hallmark of SVS subwoofers. Beauty, brains, and brawn; the PB-4000 has it all and earns our subwoofer product of the year."Read Full Review
SB-4000 Receives AVS Forum Top Picks 2018 Award
“TOTALLY pressurized my theater. With movies, I felt the power of explosions in my heart and head! Like I was getting hit with a sledgehammer in the chest! These subs also made my living room sound like a live show, which is all about feeling the music and that means you have to have killer bass. A Top Choice no doubt about it. A+.”Read Full Review
SB-4000 Subwoofer Receives Stereoplay’s Highlight 2018 Award (Germany).
"Galactic good. Blended seamlessly with multiple speakers and it showed sovereignty in all aspects. Deep bass notes were crisp and clean with no overhang. Its high dynamic reserves gave the SB-4000 a nonchalance and we never got the feeling of reaching its limits. SVS SB-4000 is one of the best subwoofer offers ever, especially considering its moderate price. It can be deep and precise, even with its monster thrust and the immense power reserves make it suitable for home theaters or audiophile systems."Read Full Review
HXOS+ SoundVision (Greece) Review the SB-4000 Subwoofer
“The SB-4000 is a "scary" subwoofer full of energy. From the very first Hz onward, mainly felt in the chest and your belly, to the last ones around the cut-off frequency, comfort and a velvety timbre are the dominant factors. No matter how hard we tried we could not make it reach its limits.”Read Full Review -
Elrief1 Reviews the PB-2000 Subwoofer (Youtube)
"The PB-2000 does everything you would want from a high-end subwoofer, and more. Build quality is top-notch, the sound is out of this world with bass that will shake your room but also hit really delicately when needed. I can’t believe it was able to replace my two older 10-inch subwoofers and actually hit harder."Read Full Review -
SpareChange Reviews the PC-4000 (Youtube)
"Delivers a great combination of hard-hitting bass and ultra low-end rumble. Quick, hard-hitting tactile bass that can give your body a nice little massage while you watch a movie or listen to music. Really broadened the soundstage and added a whole new dimension to my auditory experience."Read Full Review -
KSpaceGuy Reviews the PB-4000 Subwoofer
“This subwoofer sounds phenomenal. For a 13-inch driver to sound as crisp and accurate as it does is just a testament to SVS engineering prowess. Plus, the PB-4000 hits down to 16Hz with authority. Action movies, explosions, car races, helicopters, it doesn’t matter what, the subwoofer just immerses you and makes you feel things your would normally just miss. It just doesn’t get any better than this.”Read Full Review - (Netherlands) Reviews the SB-4000 Subwoofer
"With the SB-4000 you get a subwoofer that is immensely powerful and dives very deeply - and that also works smoothly in large spaces. It is also incredibly fast, so that bass is served accurately and compellingly. At the same time, it is also able to subtly support your surround speakers. It is not only suitable for rough work. We never thought to stick this label to this giant, but it is ... yes, refined."Read Full Review -
Stereophile Names SB16-Ultra as a Class A "Recommended Component for 2018"
Stereophile magazine, the leading voice for audiophiles in the U.S., recently announced its “Recommended Components” for 2018 and honored the SVS SB16-Ultra with its highest “Class A” ranking for subwoofers. This is a real testament to the pinpoint accuracy and precisely controlled power of our reference subwoofer since the Stereophile reviewers are some of the most discerning in the world.Read Full Review -
Hemmabio (Sweden) Reviews the PB-4000 Subwoofer
"Massive, powerful, controlled, forceful, extremely deep, detailed, nuanced, it’s a lot of words in my book and they’re all positive. An extremely competent subwoofer from start to finish for all occasions. Whether you need to integrate with bookshelf speakers, in-wall speakers, or big floorstanders, the PB-4000 will support them in a fantastic way."Read Full Review -
SB-4000 Subwoofer Receives the EISA Best Product Award for Home Theater Subwoofers
"The SB-4000 is in a class of its own. This breathtaking subwoofer is capable of unleashing pure dynamics even with the very lowest subsonic frequencies and pinpoint LFE precision from any location. Offering maximum SPL, massive slam and incredible low-frequency extension, this sub will shake, rattle and roll your home theater."Read Full Review
SpareChange Reviews the PB16-Ultra (Youtube)
"It can slam you hard in the chest or gently move the hair on your arms. For a subwoofer of this size, it handles transients amazingly, almost like a sealed subwoofer. And at the price, you simply won’t find a better subwoofer performer."Read Full Review -
SB-4000 Subwoofer Receives Audio Magazine's "Recommended Product" Award (Germany)
"Extended deep bass in the room with audiophile precision. The SVS SB-4000 executed the perfect bass storm – with power and yet easiness."Read Full Review -
SB16-Ultra Subwoofer Receives Audio Magazine's "Recommended Product" Award (Germany)
"The SB16 Ultra trembled the room – powerful, focused and long breath. An enormous amount of power for manageable money."Read Full Review -
PB-4000 Subwoofer Receives Audioholics Bassaholic Extreme Award
"Tears into bass, the deeper the frequency, the more energetic it gets…users who want strong, uncolored bass that doesn’t change its character at all with varying loudness levels can have that in the PB-4000. Makes the fantastic seem more plausible by adding depth and grandeur to the soundscape."Read Full Review
SB16-Ultra Subwoofer named "Best Subwoofer You Can Buy" by Digital Trends
"It’s our favorite subwoofer ever, built to excel in any and all circumstances. Offers everything you could want in a subwoofer – high-end power, impressive clarity, precise detail, and good looks too."Read Full Review -
High Def Digest Reviews the SB-4000 Subwoofer
"An exceptional subwoofer capable of producing incredibly clean and powerful bass. The SB-4000 can really bring the thunder…slammed me with impressive impact…just about shook the walls of my house apart and equally adept with music as it is with car crashes and rocket blasts. It can reproduce deep cello notes with crisp clarity just as well as it can deliver an earth-shaking explosion. Highly Recommended to anyone looking for a high-end subwoofer without an exorbitant boutique price tag."Read Full Review -
PC-4000 Subwoofer Earns HomeCinemaChoice “Recommended” Award
“It can rattle your house with room-filling low-frequency energy, delivering bass notes that you feel in your stomach…Plenty of low-end extension here, but a surprising degree of subtlety. As a result, I found it to be extremely nimble. The sub can harness its considerable power and release it with speed and precision. And considering the state-of-the-art subwoofery inside, it isn’t that expensive either.”
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PC-4000 Subwoofer Receives AVSForum's Top Choice 2018 Award
"The PC-4000 plays deep, clean, and loud without breaking a sweat. It is extremely capable of handling the most demanding movie soundtracks with foundation-cracking ability, and it reproduces music with subtlety and fine articulation. I am not only impressed, but I’m pleased to purchase these terrific performers for my reference review system."Read Full Review